00 7. Be sure to consider any regulations around minimum clearance heights and obstructions. 19 July 2009 at 4:39PM. despite what the building regs say' would be much use as a defence in a court case if your neighbour's house started making it's way towards your. . 0 3. If above ground the condensate pipe must be protected with a waterproof lagging. or St. 4 Design and Construction. Soakaway Crates: Polystorm 61 tonne Polypipe Soakaway Crate - 1m x 0. To increase the drainage in extremely waterlogged gardens, dig a trench wide enough for a drainage pipe running from the area that needs draining towards the soakaway. 0 3. The soakaway provides a slow method of diffusion which stops pooling and helps to prevent flooding. The frequency of desludging will depend upon the capacity of the tank and the amount of waste draining to it from the dwelling but further advice on desludging frequencies should be obtained from the tank manufacturer or the desludging. The Soak Pit should be kept away from high-traffic areas so that the soil above and around it is not. Many local authorities and engineers recommend have regulations on the distance and location of soakaways. Before they filled the large hole with stone chippings, they got the building Inspector to 'inspect' it. This can be caused by natural movements in the soil or say by driving a heavy car etc over the drainage field. Similarly if the soakaway drains a driveway, the catchment area is the area of the hardstanding. It drew on extensive research by Trinity College Dublin and the National University of Ireland Galway under the national environmental research programmes administered by the EPA: Environmental Monitoring, R&D sub-programme. near. Before installing the soakaway, you have to dig a test pit, fill it with water and time how long it takes to drain away. 0 m = 15 m 2. #1. Hajji M. Most septic tanks will either drain in to a local watercourse or ditch, a soakaway system or a drainage field. Hole 300mm square to depth of 300mm below where pipe will go into the soakaway. Hey all, My driveway project is about to start. 8m 3 . Step 2. 5 metres is just from the building in any direction, it doestn have to be away from the sides. (LPAs) might require that you keep a distance of 10-15 feet between your fence and shed for safety reasons or other legal considerations. It takes approximately 5. The distance between a soakaway and a house is very important when planning the. If it is disposed of in open it not only creates unhygienic. Soakaways can be blocked by rainwater, which can quickly turn into an expensive issue. N. 05m/h. . So Is the site totally undev. Typically these will be 1 in 60/70 between the house and tank, and a maximum of 1 in 200 for a drainage field. 1 March 2017. 25. At best, it will do nothing. DISTANCE TO SEPTIC TANK gives details of making a septic location sketch. We can also deal with your insurance company directly on your behalf at no extra cost to you. Maximum distance from residential house to well? It's noted that it's typically 10 ft from property line set back. This will then (apparently, I'm none too familiar with this stuff) result in a new soakaway having to be dug further down the garden, and the pipework rerouted into it around the conservatory. The soakaway should be sized to contain the 1 in 10 year rainfall event. Ratings: +42,529. Using this formula we can quickly calculate the size of the soakaway that needs to be installed. I'm in the process of getting planning for a house. As an aid, mark a stick 300mm from one end, place in the hole and fill up to the mark. My question is will a soakaway built that close to the wall cause any issues with the garden wall foundations? I am proposing to build a 1m3 soakaway to cope with the run off from the patio plus the. A septic tank is deeper than a soakaway and is plastered before being levelled, however, a soakaway is not handled in the same manner because the floor is left in its current condition and it is also shallower. 5m2 divided by 0. If possible try to position it approx 10 metres away. hi guys!!!!! ive noticed water in my cellar it seems level with area where the soakaway leaves the house. This tank is usually installed below 1. MINIMUM DISTANCE FROM SEPTIC SOAK WAY BUILDING PROPERTY BOUNDARIES WELLS CUTS OR EMBARKMENTS WATER PIPES LARGE TREES 1. I note that your conservatory entrance is built approx. My septic tank is 15' feet from house following leach is 280' feet away from Septic tank and farthest end of leach field is almost 7' foot drop in elevation. Beyond that and the minimum clearance distance is that we have already given above on this page, distance is going to be determined by the site and the available space. Soakaway Blocked- Who is Responsible (semi-detached) Hello, I live in a semi detached house built in 1968 and have just had my soffits and fascias totally replaced with UPVC along with the guttering. IIRC in areas I've lived though, 1930's have been combined drain. If you have opened a surface only drain, the dyed test water will only show up when the dye is added to a surface drainage point. The 2015 edition takes effect on 1 October 2015 for use in England. Refill the hole with water to a depth of 150mm and observe the time, in minutes, for water to seep completely away. Can I put a soakaway next to my house?. How Far Should a Soakaway be From the House? You need to ensure its far enough from the structure to prevent damage — 5 metres is the accepted distance, but this also depends on the calculated size of the soakaway. The Soakaway or drainage systems be at least five metres away and from a building's wall. 47m. Soakaways should be constructed in a circuit to make a continuous loop. Sizing of the soakaway will depend on how much rainwater it will have to take - however many councils will have a standard size that they are happy with. 2019/11/10 Kristina Daddio . 400m below GL. Ask at the builders merchants, and explain what you want it for. 5m-1. It’s also recommended that your septic tank be located within 30 metres of an access point to allow for your tank to be easily emptied when required. 50 metres away from any lake or foreshore. state water board authority laboratory for the physico- Fraction of soak away contribution Where: 151 Ibiang Ebri, Ekeng Emmanuel, and Bejor. 5 years old. The two septic tank Got Filled and the Soakaway. 5 3. filled the hole at 1820, and by 2217 it had possibly (possibly) moved 2cm, but I suspect thats more hope than anything. This publication is available in html and also in. A soakaway is a hole dug into the ground that is filled with coarse stone and rubble or plastic crates. 1 For disposal of non-domestic wastewater, the setback distance shall be determined by a hydrogeological study in accordance with Section 17(b) of Chapter 3, but shall not be less than the distances shown in Table 4. Thanks to all for their valued advice on building the soak away. For soakaways serving areas greater than 25m² reference should be made to BS EN 752-4, or BRE Digest 365 Soakaway design. 5 meters down, as a general rule of thumb for a driveway with a width of around 100 meters. Requirements vary from one area to another, but the normal minimum distance from the house is 10 feet. The soakaway itself does not need to. Soak pit construction procedure. e. Septic soakaway bed / drainfield shape & layout guidelines:. If the discharge is to a soak away a sampling point must be provided before the soak away. 5 1. in you case you could run a pipe across the front of the building and join at 1 corner. You may require a larger soakaway for a house. Trees and site boundaries, such as fences, must be 3 metres from your wastewater system and 4 meters from the road. e. The downpipe runs vertically from the fascia for. Step 1. First published in 1991 as a replacement for the old BRE 151, BRE 365 has become the standard methodology for soakaway design in the UK. The path between the adjacent house is concrete and the rain water splashes on our wall. _____ Price €6. The 5m rule applies to distance away from buildings not particularly boundaries. Does anyone have any experience of creating a miracle soakaway. If the soil is solid clay however, a soakaway is of little use. South. 6. Re: How Do I Build A Septic Tank / Soakaway In This Situation? (pic Attached) by Nobody: 10:20pm On Jan 05, 2017. No thanks for the thread hi-jack BaS. Within 6 months. Knowing where it should go on your own will allow you to know where it should be placed and how far. Try a trench drain. When a soakaway has blocked and flooded we can attend your property and provide a report. from the house and fill with rubble then cover over with dramp proof membrane then top soil. . This is to prevent subsidence of the wall and to stop rainwater on your property from flowing into your neighbour's garden. This discharge does not require a Drainage Field. A French drain is a perforated pipe that acts to collects groundwater from all around. As part of a septic tank system, the soakaway treats. 5m from any building ie wall. The water table should not reach the bottom of the pit at any time of the year. 1. Guidance on Soakaways How to calculate the size required, and how to test the soils for its suitability, can be found in BRE Digest 365: 2016. The trenches for the soakaway should be between 300mm and 900mm wide with a distance of 2m between trenches. 6m deep. septic tank distance from house How far should a septic tank be from a house? How far should a soakaway be from a building? How far should the soakaway be from a well,. It includes design guidance for soakaway pits, trench soakaways and general advice for. You must have 7 metres of distance between your home and your septic tank. 3 flats with one septic tank, the other flat with one Septic Tank. 1 For disposal of non-domestic wastewater, the setback distance shall be determined by a hydrogeological study in accordance with Section 17(b) of Chapter 3, but shall not be less than the distances shown in Table 4. Or plumb into existing rain water system, by cutting slabs in situ and laying aco drain to where your down pipe is, providing levels work. The Building. Soakaway Crates: Aquacrate 20 tonne soakaway crate - 1m x 1m x 0. Soakaway and Septic tanks with very long distance kilometers to the discharge points can also affects how much it will cost to clean and evacuate the Septic Tank contents. Table 2 Soakaway Area Requirements at. 4m (190 litres/0. Mostly they were laid by contractors, who came in with a wacking great machine to cut the trench, then the clay pipes were dropped in by hand. As long as that pipe has fall from the gully to the soakaway, it will function. road construction (see note 17) frl. Contrary to what you believe, digging a big hole next to your house will cause it to fill up with water and the area will be permanently wet. The soakaway is typically not that deep when compared to a septic tank. For a house with well-draining soils and 750 square feet of rooftop to be managed, the soakage trench should be 15 feet long. Buying a house in the country with a well and septic system on an acre of land. Materials such as the crate, membrane, pipe, gully, and gravel average £350,. 42, the M5-15 min can be found as follows: M5-15 min rainfall = 20 mm x Z1 (for 15 min duration) Read Z1 from Table 1 in the column for the required rainfall duration, D, (eg 15 minutes), and. into the main drainage. For deeper excavations please seek specialist advice. How big should I make the soak away. Fill the soakaway hole with gravel or rubble up to the point that the layer is about 2cm away from the surface of the hole. On 2022-01-31 by Tyler . ” It is clear that the “5m rule” was intended to be a guideline and that infiltration or unlined attenuation can be allowed closer to building foundations if it can be demonstrated that it is safe to do so. The inspection access should provide a clear view to the base of the soakaway, even when the soakaway is of the filled type (fig 3). Get in contact for a Free quote. Distance to House: Part H within the building regulations suggest that Soakaways will need to be more than 5 meters away from the property. Thanks guys, I thought it was 5m from buildings but wasn't sure about the distance from the highway. For deeper excavations please seek specialist advice. A percolation test can be conducted by taking the following steps: Dig a 300mm square hole to a depth of 300mm below the proposed invert level of the drainage field. After this, add the remaining rubble so that it surrounds the drainage pipe entering the pit. The condensate pipe goes strait in to the ground right next to my. If we can run a 22mm pipe back across to the main drain then that sounds a lot less expensive than a foul pipe over the same distance. It allows water to filter through it, and literally soak into the ground ( away ). 5 metres (that is halfway between the house and the 'lack of pipe'). g. Soakaway Drainfields. Minimum soak away site distances. Once the hole is dug to the correct depth, add a layer of gravel at the base, approximately 1000mm. So all rain water from one half of the house plus the extension does not go into the sewer system. The soak pit , consisting basically of a simple pit (generally approximately 1 m 3 ), should be between 1. I'll have to do some digging (no pun intended) and b) the Inspector allowed me to reduce the distance of mine from the boundary to about 2 meters. I had actually noticed a bit of rainwater getting in to the crawlspace under the house in. filled the hole at 1820, and by 2217 it had possibly (possibly) moved 2cm, but I suspect thats more hope than anything. They can and will freeze when exposed to the elements. 2019/11/10 Kristina Daddio . 3. Distance to House: Part H within the building regulations suggest that Soakaways will need to be more than 5 meters away from the property. Soakaways manage surface water at its source instead of draining it away via a stream or sewer system. More complex soakaway construction with additional depth, pipework, size or reinforcement. at least 10m from any watercourse or permeable drain; at least 50m from the point of abstraction of. The discharge point shall be more than 10m from habitable property. 10 Mar 2020. A soakaway has to let the water soak away if it is to be successful. The rule of thumb is 1 cubic metre of soakaway for 30 sqm of roof. 5m = 19. Wrap your soakaway crate in the geotextile membrane, making sure the membrane covers any outward-facing surfaces, including the pipe entry point. 3. For this reason homogenous clays are generally unsuited to soakaways as they can have very low infiltration rates. Part of. Designing a house is hugely exciting, but knowing where to start can also feel daunting. First tank empty in 2016 and again in early 2020. Dig a trench that runs from your rainwater pipes on the side of your house to the soakaway pit. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed a National Inspection Plan to help identify domestic waste water treatment systems that are not meeting the expected standard. Lift the cover and pour water down the the downspout hole. Then out a layer of your landscaping fabric across the surface. Published in Soakaway Design – Groundwater Level. - Coastal Drains Soakaway Regulations – What Are They and Why Do They Matter? Blog Rules and building regulations for a soakaway relating to foul drainage state that a. Septic tanks or fields need to be placed at least five feet away from your home. . However, the builders built a soakaway at the required distance from the building. A drainage field (or soakaway system) is a perforated or slotted network of pipes which provide secondary treatment of the waste. The outlet is 110mm pipeBIODISC DOMESTIC SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT. Question: OSSF Clearance Distance for Septic in Texas . Standard soakaway system. 5m) x (5m +. Condensate Soakaway Code: SOAK1GR 500mm minimum 300mm Hole width 200mm CODE: SOAK1GR Hole and SOAK1GR filled with 10mm Limestone Chippings Holes in SOAK1GR to face away from wall Hole depth 400mm Ground Level Maximum Possible Gradient Side Connection Top Connection 2 300mm 1 3 Ø110mm Ø100mm 5 4. Hello House, We digged septic tank and Soakaway for 6 flats. #5. Refill the. A soakaway should not be within 2 metres of a neighbouring boundary; A soakaway must be at least 10 metres away from any watercourse; A soakaway must be 15 metres away from any house or building; A soakaway must be at least 50 metres away from any water source (e. Hole 300mm square to depth of 300mm below where pipe will go into the soakaway. 3. The proposed soakaway borehole must meet the drainage standards for soil infiltration and storage emptying. All soakaways must be sited at least 5m from any building or road and preferably at least 2. Just like changing the oil in your car, maintaining your septic system extends its life for a small cost compared to the expense of installing a new system, which typically runs $15,000 or more. Also, to the front of my proposed house is a road surface water drain. Contact Teckna Group for soakaway borehole drillinghouse are joined to the underground foul water drainage by the following two methods:. Only clean, uncontaminated surface water shall beCondensate Soakaway Code: SOAK1GR 500mm minimum 3 0 0 m m Hole width 200mm CODE: SOAK1GR Hole and SOAK1GR filled with 10mm Limestone Chippings Holes in SOAK1GR to face away from wall Hole depth 400mm Ground Level Maximum Possible Gradient Side Connection Top Connection 2 3 0 0 m m 1 3 —110mm —100mm 5 4. Fill the hole with approximately 150mm of water and allow it to seep away completely; no need to measure the time. Does this mean I can site my soakaway much closer to the boundary (2-3 m) than Building Regs require. . A soakaway is especially useful in built-up areas that have been built from impermeable materials, as it allows water that would usually pool and flood to naturally ‘soak away’. After (just recently) reading to manufactures instructions concerning the soakaway its states it need needs to be. . A Sewage Treatment Plant does not necessarily need a drainage field. Log In. A soakaway system or drainage field must meet certain criteria in order to satisfy the regulations laid out. If it is disposed of in open it not only creates unhygienic. If you have or are planning to start a discharge to surface water in or near a protected. 5m 13. Jan 20, 2015. Soakaway Distance From Rivers, Streams And Ditches Visit for more information Soakaway Distance From Rivers, Streams And Ditches. Rainwater soakaways are usually made from gravel or stone or even plastic soakaway crates. e. Failure of soak-aways can. Soak Pit Design. #1. To avoid water collecting in the soak away leaking into and damaging the foundations, The soakaway should be situated at least 5m away from any building. . In the range of septic tanks we sell, there's a 2,700L 4-person capacity, a 2,800L 4-person capacity, or a 2,800L 5-person capacity tank. According to the new building regulations any soakaway should be 5m from any foundations and at least 2. See more of Soakaway crates on Facebook. Country. Background Groundwater drawn from shallow tubewells in Bangladesh is often polluted by nearby pit latrines, which are commonly used toilets in rural and sub-urban areas of the country. A inspection chamber must be installed between the septic tank and. The inspection access should provide a clear view to the base of the soakaway, even when the soakaway is of the filled type (fig 3). Jan 20, 2015. 00 3. The two septic tank Got Filled and the Soakaway. The outflow from the reed bed is then clean water that can discharged safely to an existing water course or to a soakaway or land drain. Published in Soakaway Design – Groundwater Level. Buried since the house was built in mid 90's. A watercourse (ditch, stream, or river) is defined as a distance of 10 metres. MAYO (Tel: 01-6476834/37 or 1890 213434; Fax: 01-6476843 or 094-9378964) or through any bookseller. ALL parts of the soakaway drainage field are required to be a minimum of: 10m from a watercourse or ditch. As luck would have it, the site of the soakaway is. Place the tank. £1500 - £2000. There are a few other things to think about such as getting a fall in the pipework, and bedding it on a layer of gravel, but it's not rocket science. The drain must deepen a good deal from there as it runs under an upwardly sloping drive for about 20 yds. Local codes and regulations that stipulate the distance of the septic tank from the house vary depending on the locale, but the typical minimum distance is 10 feet. Whats the minimum distance you would want to place your drain field from your septic tank A Soak Pit, also known as a soakaway or leach pit, is a covered, porous-walled chamber set in the ground that allows water to slowly percolate. This is set away from the septic tank and wastewater is released into it and diffused through the rocks, slowly escaping into the ground. CMOStores. Calculate: A sp (area of base of soak pit) = 5. Ironsides New Member. Log In. 2. Vol = A × (rainfall rate/3000) This formula states that the volume of soakaway required is equal to the area to be drained (in m²) multiplied by the product of the storm rainfall rate (assumed to be 50mm/hr in UK) divided by 3000. They should also be located within 30 metres of an access point so that the tank can be emptied. Forums. A removable cover lid must be provided for any maintenance. #4. 978-1-78544-328-2. Soakaway distance(m) to Soakaway Soakaway Soakaway Soakaway Sampling one (1) two (2) three (3) four (4) Locations TARGET 8. 4m deep (hit rock) As you can see from the pictures, it looks like clay and certainly acts like clay. For an easy-to-access garden, you can expect a small soakaway to cost around £1,000. You must have 7 metres of distance between your home and your septic tank. the back garden is on a slight slope towards the house, so they said this would remedy. There has been no amendment to the requirements in Part H of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2010. The size of your soakaway for your driveway will depend on the rainfall in your area, your soil's water retention as well as the size of your driveway. The area you require is determined by the rate of percolation multiplied by the number or people in the household (the maximum occupancy, not the number of people in your family ) multiplied by 0. the distance between the pan outlet and the bottom of the Rest Bend must be less than 1. 8 Feb 2014. My property was constructed in around 1969 and the roof guttering runs along the fascias of the property and then flows into a vertical downpipe. Country. 4m3 per crate) £57. ) So: V stor = 0. The rule of thumb is 1 cubic metre of soakaway for 30 sqm of roof. As new wastewater enters the septic tank, it displaces the water that's already there. Collapsed or displaced pipes in the soakaway. The remaining liquid drains from the tank by an outlet pipe and soakaway. Hi all, I was recently looking into purchasing a small building plot , problem is it has a neighbours soakaway right on the rear boundary and is virtually impossible to get the 7m distance and still build anything worthwhile, it' s a real shame as is a very nice plot. you have not changed the volume of the discharge or, if you have, it’s not more than 2 cubic metres (2,000 litres) to ground. ISBN. However, this soakaway is only about 2 or 3ms away from our existing. A soak pit or a soakaway is a closed porous chamber that is directly connected to a primary treatment unit of residential or commercial building. 2. You must drain into a soakaway unless it is impracticable to do so ie the existing ground conditions will not allow a soakaway to work or you do not have the space to build one (they need to be min 5m away from any buildings). Log In. SD 8-4-221 Rev 6 Foul Sewer Stage 1 and 2 House Connect: Rev 6 25/Aug/2022 11:47 AM SD 8-4-222 Rev 4 Foul Sewer House Connections on Junctions. And one central Soakaway and we channeled the bathroom and kitchen water to the Soakaway. 6. Build a soakaway under my driveway, which is behind the back garden so could be 5m away. A percolation test will give you a good idea about how quickly your soil absorbs water and is therefore a vital first step before building a soakaway. The Soakaway Design Guide (July 2000) D4 f18. Depending on the type you have, the pipe which runs to your soakaway will either come directly from your property (usually a gutter), from an area where there is an overflow of surface water (via a system such as a French drain), or from a private system such. 29 ex VAT)True Oga mi. A surface drain layed against the house plumbed into a new soakaway (1 cubic meter per 25 square meter of paved area) providing the existing paving is flat and running towards house should solve the problem. At Nicholls we work with the client/drainage consultant to design the most appropriate deep bore soakaway to provide a solution where a traditional soakaway or conventional drainage is impractical or too costly. in you case you could run a pipe across the. The main factors involved in pricing the emptying of. Step 6 – Replace any ground that was removed. Same distances apply to the soakaway. For example, 50m2 roof area requires a rubble filled soakaway of (50m 2 x(50/3000))/0. 2 Drainage and waste disposal Approved Document H PAGE Design and construction 32 Constructed wetlands/reed beds 33 Marking 35 Packaged treatment works 35 Siting 35How deep should a garden soakaway be? How deep should a soakaway be? The Perforated pipe should be laid at a minimum depth of 200mm and a maximum depth of 700mm. Answered 8th Oct 2013. 995652485 Adjusted R. And tumble your outlet into it. com Limited are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Hi all, I was recently looking into purchasing a small building plot , problem is it has a neighbours soakaway right on the rear boundary and is virtually impossible to get the 7m distance and still build anything worthwhile, it' s a real shame as is a very nice plot. You can buy USB borescope camera’s dead cheap off Amazon, in the region of £15, just plug into your phone or PC with USB. It does not have to be beautiful, to scale, nor expensive. A inspection chamber must be installed between the septic tank and the soakaway. 2 Small wastewater systems that discharge to the same aquifer that supplies a public water supply wellThe 2 manholes at the side of the house are probably 2' 6" deep and sit at a similar height to the rain water gulley. Roof sizing soakage trench area factor length 750 sq ft x 0. 0m from any houses or buildings. i have looked in the valiant manual and it says distance for external pipe should be minimal to prevent freezing then it goes on to say should be a max of 3 metre with a 45mm fall per. Expect to pay between £830 and £1,140 to install a soakaway drain underneath a driveway. Help What is a Soakaway? A soakaway is simply a hole dug into the ground, filled with rubble and coarse stone which allows surface water to percolate back into the earth close to where it falls. 5 3. 4 weeks later the whole is still full o water and shows no signs of percolating. So the entire area is just under. septic tank distance from house How far should a septic tank be from a house? How far should a soakaway be from a building? How far should the soakaway be from a well,. 0 xfor diameter up to 3. This is to avoid any issue or possible interaction with either your property or. Common guidelines require at least 50' clearance distance between a well and a septic system tank or 150' between a well and a septic drainfield or leaching bed but you will. To build a soakaway, you will need drainage pipes and gravel. How far should a soakaway be from the house? You need to ensure it is far enough from the structure to prevent damage. The insides of the excavation can become smeared, particularly by mechanical diggers building a soakaway in clay soils. 5 3. Distance from Septic Tank to house. The basic functions and the need for a soak pit. Tidy up the soak away and trenches by removing any loose soil that has fallen in. 6m 8. it is more often than not related to the soak-away system rather than the septic tank itself. ConversationsOld drywell. This leads to aerobic digestion and effectively treats the effluent. Always cover the soakaway crates with a geotextile membrane to maintain the performance of the system. The pipe end entering the soakaway must be at a depth of 25mm minimum and the end of the pipe cut at 45° Septic Tank – distance from house in England & Wales. Fill with water to depth of 300mm. A final option for driveway drainage is building a trench – or channel – drain. Sizing of a soakaway The length of the soakaway drains is determined by the number of bedrooms in the house and the porosity of the soil. Always cover the soakaway crates with a geotextile membrane to maintain the performance of the system. T he S oakaw ay D esign G uide (M ay 2000) ii 6 . The owner also said they had a soakaway in the garden rather than a septic tank. Should not be close to another soakaway or in a location where the water may. When it comes to soakaways, the distance between your property and soakaway is a little more complex. 5. Unfortunately, in my case that's quite far from the back of the house so it would involve extensive pipework, including under my driveway, and be very expensive. long way from the house and/or if some of the users have difficulty walking. Table 2 Soakaway Area Requirements at. Pipes should be laid on a 300mm layer of shingle or medium of up to 50mm. A soakaway requires excavation and removal of the existing ground, which is typically replaced with a formal structure, constructed using a. If you find the pipe, go out another 3 metres. The great house search continues, we've found one we like which is a bit in the middle of nowhere. A typical soak route in Nigeria is typically 4 by 4. Home | BC HousingSt.